Where our focus is JUST your CARE!
Quality Home Care Services
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Attendant Care

We provide assistance for people with disabilities that may cause them to be unable perform task that they can no longer do for themselves. These tasks include home duties, rehabilitation support and personal assistance.

Personal Care

We support our clients with personal care such as: hygiene, toileting, bathing, showering, bed baths and maintaining personal appearance and more.

Companion Care

We also offer non-medical services to older adults or people with disabilities. Our goal for our companion care services is primarily to provide emotional support and socialization.

Quality and Ethical Home Care Services!

At Just Home Care LLC, we know how overwhelming the responsibility of caring for a family member can be. We seek to provide quality and ethical home care support services to those in need to keep your family at ease. Please contact us for a free needs assessment, or call us at 1-765-393-3662 to schedule an appointment. We will work hand in hand with you to establish a home care plan (HCP), as we determine payment options and potential sources of billing assistance.

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Home Care Aids

Our team is fully staffed and ready to meet your home care wants and needs.

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Customer Satisfaction

We pride ourselves on providing quality and ethical home care for all of our clients.

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Unique Home Care Services

We offer a variety of services to meet your home care needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find quick answers to common questions using our helpful FAQs.

1. What exactly is home care?

Medicare.gov defines Home Care as “A wide range of home care services that can be given in your home for an illness or injury. Home care is usually less expensive, more convenient, and just as effective as care you get in a hospital or skilled nursing facility (SNF).”

2. We are in need of Home Care, but how do we afford it?

Financial assistance is available for in home care services. These options include private insurance, Medicaid Wavier, Aid & Attendance benefits, life insurance, or cash/debit payments. We will determine the best option for you during development of your Home Care Plan.

3. Will my caregiver come to my home? How often?

The amount of time the caregiver spends in the home is completely up to the client. We will determine these factors and pricing during your free assessment.

4. How can I contact you?

Please email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-765-393-3662.

Getting Started

We are excited to connect with your family to discuss your home care needs. Please click below to schedule a free assessment.

Schedule Assessment

Ask an Expert

Still have more questions that need answers? We are here to help! Click below to email us directly. We’ll be sure to follow up within 24-48 hours.

Contact us

Client testimonials

We strive to please both our clients and residents alike, so we found a few clients to back up our high quality and ethical services